Selected and rare materials, excerpts and observations from ancient, medieval and contemporary authors, travelers and researchers about Cyprus.
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right hand is extended, with the fist clenched, as if a second weapon had been grasped by the man. The lower part of his body is protected by armour suspended by a wide strap. Another statuette has a greave on one leg. In its right hand has been a weapon; the left hand is lost; the body is naked. Near these specimens were found tiny models of weapons in bronze, the one a lance, or axe, with a very long and heavy blade, like a celt; the other, a mace, with a ponderous ball at one of its extremities. With these articles, and probably belonging to one of the figures, was found a gladiator's helmet, modelled, of course, in clay, and intended to cover the head of the wearer down to his shoulders; it is crested, and pierced with eye holes. With the same was discovereda wheel of a chariot with four spikes and a tire. Although of terra-cotta, this wheel evidently represents a bronze original. With the above were found the body and head of a very beautiful horse in the attitude of galloping. It probably belonged to the chariot to which the wheel pertained. All these things were discovered, with a sarcophagus of terra-cotta, in a tomb at Salamis, which comprised many fragments of other objects. These, being more or less crushed, could not be adjusted. The whole were disposed in an amphitheatrical form, as if the figures and their accessories represented a dramatic performance. The falling in of the cover of the sarcophagus had been followed by the disarrangement of the original order of the relics, and the breaking of most of the figures.





E have come to a very remarkable class of antiquities, which, unlike those above named, as having been found in the ruins of domestic and civic structures, were invariably discovered in the built vaults of ancient erections, probably temples, together with larger figures of stone, which were usually broken into fragments either by direct violence of iconoclasts, or by earthquakes. The places in question were not parts of tombs, or other mortuary edifices; no sarcophagi were found with these figures. The most important of the relics of this class is a statuette, three feet and a half high (fig. 230), of Ariadne, or a lady of great dignity, magnificently adorned with jewellery. She is in the act of carrying offerings to the temple, and the character of the figure is precisely the same as that of the canephoroi of Greek and Roman architecture. Her tunic and body-robe are disposed with rare skill, proving that this work is due to a fine Greek period, though, doubtless, it was executed by a provincial artist. The right hand, hanging at the side of the statue, holds easily the folds of the upper garment. The left hand and arm support a kid—the offering the lady is about to make. Extraordinary wealth of ornaments distinguishes this figure. On the wrists are large twisted bracelets; round the neck are two carcanets, the smaller and upper one of which is formed of circular beads; the lower and larger carcanet comprises pendants of fir-cones suspended to the cord at the intervals of large oval beads, and in the centre is an ornament of square form, and resembling a quatrefoil. The hair is carefully dressed, brushed off the forehead, and falls in four large tresses on the shoulders. Large ear-rings are composed of a rosette with a fir-cone pendant. On the head is a magnificent tiara or coronet of extraordinary elevation and sumptuousness. This superb mass of jewellery rises from a broad lunette, or fillet; above which is a line of rosebuds. Over this is a row of disks, paterae, or rosettes (fig. 231). Above these is a line of eagles, or doves, with their wings displayed, and alternating with balls. Between the wings of the eagles, a still higher tier of ornaments has reared itself, but it is now too much injured to be described. Its elements resemble honeysuckles. Much red colour may be seen on this figure.


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