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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.2
page 41
fon! treafon! arm yourfelves;' for many were already gone to reft, as they had worked hard in the day time.
They got up as quickly as they could, and ran, without any order, and without fpeaking to their captains, to the part where the fires were. The lords alfo, who were in their hôtels, armed them-felves. In the midft of this buftle, the ear.1 of Ox-ford and fir Walter Manny advanced, with the third divifion, to a part where there was no guard; and, having fixed their ladders, mounted them, with their targets on their heads, and entered the town very quietly, without the French or Bretons, who were within it, having the leaft fufpicion until they faw their enemies in the ftreets. They then all took to flight, each to fare himfelf : their cap-tains, not having time to get into the caftie, mounted their horfes, apd, palling through a poftern, gained the fields, to fave their \i\e$: happy were thofe who could by this means efoape. However, the four knights mentioned at the beginning of this chapter, faved themfelves, and a part of their peo-ple; but all who were encountered by the Englifh were flain or made prifoners. The town of Vannes was overrun and facked • all forts of people en-tered into it ; and the countefs of Montfort made her entry there with lord Robert d'Artois, to her great joy.
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