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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.2
page 62
were to prefs you, you would pay me thirty or forty thoufand crowns for your ranfom. But yoti will go to king Philip de Valois, my adverfary, and tell him from me, that, by putting fo many knights to death in fo diflionourable a manner, he has fore difpleafed me : and I fay and maintain, that lie has, by this means, broken and infringed the truce which we had agreed to ; and that, from this mo-ment, I confider it as broken, and fend him, by you, my defiance. In consideration of your carry-ing this meffage, I will let you off for ten thoufand crowns, which you will pay, or fend to Bruges, in five days after you fhall have croffed the fea. You will alfo inform aliiuch knights and fquires as wilh to attend my feaft, for we fhall be right glad to fee them, not to defift on this account, for they (hall have paffports for their fafe return, to laft for fifteen days after it be over/ ,
c Sir,' anfwered the knight, ' I will perform your meffage to the belt of ray abilities; and God ' reward you, and my lord of Derby, for your kind-nefs* do me/
Sir Hervé de Léon did not after this remain long in prifon, but, having taken leave of the king, went to Southampton, and embarked on board a veffel, with the intention of landing at Harfleur. A violent ftorm, however, which lafted fifteen days, prevented it. He loft his horfes, as well as thofe of his fervants, which were thrown overboard ; * and he himfelf was fo ill by it, that he never after en-joyed good health. At laft the mariners, with
'VOL* II. 1 ^ much
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