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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.2
page 311
•prince then held a council, when it wu refolted he fhould fet out on his return to Bourdeaux, whence he had come, through Touraine and Poitou, and deftroy all the country as he paffed. They began their retreat, after they had done their pleafure with the town ; and this day they gained the caftle, and flew the greater part whom they found in it.
They marched toward Romorantih*. The king of France fent into Berry three gallant barons, the lord of Craon, the lord of Boucicault, and the hermit of Chaumont, to defend the frontiers, and to obferve the motions of the Englifh. They had with them three hundred lances ; and, fkirting the borders of the province, they followed them for fix days, without finding any opportunity of inter-cepting or of attacking the enemy ; fuch good and clofe order did the Englifh maintain m their march, . 1
. The French therefore had recourfe to an ambuf-eade, near to Romoraotin, in a wonderfully narrow fpot, which the Englifh were obliged to pafs. That fainç day, there left jthe prince's army, from the battalion of t£e marfhals, by permiffioa of the prince, the lord Bartholomew Burgherfc, the lord of Muyflidan a Gafcon, the lord Petitoa Çoiirton, the lord Belawar, the lord Baffet, fir Walter Pavely, fir Richard Pontchardon, fir Nefle koring, the young lord Defpencer, fir Çuftaçe and fir, Sanchez d'Ambreticourt, with about two hundred combtt-
* Romorantin,T-a considerable ^own on t|ie Saudre, in Çlaifois,
«i4 capital of Sologne,
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