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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.2
page 385
There the king of France kept his houfehold for fome time: and there he was'\ifited by the king and queen of England; who often entertained him fumptuoufly, and afterward were very frequent in their vifits, confoling him all in their power.
The cardinals de Perigord and de St. Vital foon after came to England, by command of pope In-nocent VI. They endeavoured to make peace be-tween the two kingdoms, which they laboured hard to effe&, but without fuccefs. However, by fome fortunate means they procured a truce between the two kings and their allies, to laft until St. John the Baptift$s day 1359.
The lord Philip de Navarre and his allies, the countefs of Montfort and the duchy of Brittany, were excluded from this truce.
Shortly afterward, the king of France,and all his houfehold were removed from the palace of the Savoy to Windfor Caftle*, where he was permitted to hunt and hawk, and take what other diverfions he pleafed in that neighbourhood, as well as the lord Philip his fon. The reft of the French lords remained at London, but they vifited the king as often as they pleafed, and were prifoners on their parole of honor.
. * He was afterward confined in Hertford Caftle, under the guard of Roger de Beauchamp. David king of Scotland was
likewife a prifoner there. John was removed to different other cafties, from a fufpicion of his being delivered by trcafon or force.o-AsHMoLE..
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