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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.3
page 6
jCHAP. CCXZVJ. The Ctieft ttttched to the Earl of Montfort retire after tlicViaory at Auray.—The Earl's Conduû, on feeing Charles de Blois dead.— Truces granted for burying the Slain.—In what manner the King of England was in-formed of the. Event of this Battle of Auray Page 195 CCXXVIL The Earl of Montfort conquers Auray and feveral other Places from the Widow of Lord Charles de Blois. King Charles interpofes between them, and makes Peace.— A Peace is alfo made be-tween the Kings of France ' and Navarre, through the me-dium of the Captai de Buch aof CCXXVIII. A War in Spain between the King, Don Pedro of Caf-tille, and his baftard Brother Henry, to whofe Aid the Lord John de Bourbon and Sir Bertrand du Guefclîn lead the Pillaging Compa~ nies. Henry, by their means is crowned King of CafUUe 210 CCXXDL King Don Pedro fends to en-treat the Prince of Wales' Affiftance agatnit his Brother - Henry the Baftard.—He re-tires intoGuienne, where he is well received by the Prince - • 214
A 4 * CHAP.
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