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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.3
page 17
fa a handfome plan. There were alfo, in this army of the king of England, five hundred pioneers with ïpades and pick-axes, to level the roads, and cut down trees and hedges, for the more eafily paling of the carriages.
I wiih now to name the great lords of England who crofled the fea with the king, and the duke of Lancaftervhis coufm-german.
Firft then, there were his four foils already named; Henry duke of Lancafter; John earl of March, conftable of F^ngland ; the earls of Warwick and Suffolk, marfhals of England ; the earls of Hereford, Northampton, Sali(bury, Stamford, Ox-ford; the biihops of Lincoln and Durham ; the lords Percy, Neville, Defpenfer, Roos, Manny, Reginald Cobham, Mowbray, Delawarre ; fir Johh Chandos, fir Richard Pernbridge #, the lord Maine, the lord Willoughby, the lord Felton, the lord Baflet, the lord Charlton f, the lord Silvancier | ; fir James Audley, fir Bartholomew de Burgherfh, the lord Scales, fir Stephen Coffington, fir Hugh Haftings, fir John Lille, fir Nefle Loring, and a great many others whom I cannot recoiled*
Thefe lords then rôde on in the fame order I mentioned on their quitting Calais, and marched
* Sir Richard Pernbridge is buried in Hereford cathedral. See Googîi's Sepulchral Monuments.
f % In my MSS. it is Corlanton and Sifoancicr. Barnes fay s I there was lord John Chart on, who was chamberlain to the king\ but who Silvancier is, I cannot find out. Lord Bernera repeats the word, and calls the firft lord Crabalton.
B 2 through
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