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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.3
page 94
was a plain that could not be feen : in this place they had ported the greater part of their army, and f&rnktei the French fcout? to come fp n^r, they conld haye taken them if they had chofen it* fcut ihey were allowed to return unhurt.
They informed the lord James de Bourbon, ,the ^mm d'Ufez, the lord Eegmajd 4e Forctjz juid thofe lords who had fent them, all they had otjfçryed ^nd he^rd, ?.dding, 4 we have feen the companies flrawn up in array upon a hillock, and, according, to our understanding, weH formed ; but, having attentively confidered them, they cannot be more than five or fix thoufand men, and feem maryel-Ioufly ill armed/
When lord James de Bourbon heard this, he faid to the .irchprieft, c You tpld me they amounted to at te^ft .fixteen thoufand combatants, apd you now hear the contrary.' * My lord/ anfwered he, c I ftill think they are not lefs in number : if it ihoyld be otherwife, we may thank God for it, and it is fo jmuch the better for us : you will therefore determine what you will do/ c lp the name of God,' -faid the lord Ja,mes,c we will go and fight them/
The lprd James ordered all the banners and jjennpns to halt immediately* and formed his bat-talions in good order to begin the combat, fpr they law th/eir enemies before them. He then created rinany new knights: the firft was his ekjeft fon Peter, who difplayed his banner ;_his nçphewj tlje young count -de Foretz, did the fame ; the lord • of Tournon, the lord de Molinier, and the lord de GroMe in Dauphine. Among the nobility, there were fir Louis mà fur Rohert de ïteuyey, fir
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