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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.3
page 99
the countries above and below the Saone, fuch as
the county of Mâcon, jhbifhoprick of Lyon,
the territories of the lord of Beaujeu, and the whole Country as far as Marfxlly les Nonnains * and the county of Nevers.
The other divifion of thefe free companies under the cammand of Nandoz de Baugeranfc, Efpiote, Carnelle, Robert Briquet, Ortingo and Bernard de la Salle, Lannuyt, le Bourgcamus t, le bourg de Breteuil, le bourg de l'Efparre, and many others of
# Mar fill y les Nonnains. I cannot find in the Gazetteer this name. There is Marcîlly fur Saône» a village in Bur* gundy, near Auxonne, which is, I fuppofe, the fame.
f Bourg, in the dictionaries of the old French language feems to mean hajlard or illegitimate,
Burgi, in Du Cange's Gloflary, is as follows, Calepino ex Tit, C. de fund, rei privatae, * Qui colleglo, vel curisç» vel burgis cxterifque corpopibus fervierit. An inde» an non potius a burggravius per contra&ionem Bourgs^ appeliati funt caftellani, et prefeéli caftrorum, per arciuwia pud FroifTartem/ torn. it. cap. 34. 4 Si etoient de fa route les capitaines des autres chateaux, comme le bourg Calart* le bourg Angiois, le bourg de Champagne, et Raymond de Force/ &c.
Burgiy adde, ' A genuina vocis Gallican bourg notione longe aberrari mihi videtur, cum ex Froi(Tarte exponitur de Caftel-lano fur burgi prsefedto. Bourg enim eo loci, quemadmodum et in aîiis ejufdem cevi hïftoricis, fpurium» nothum fonatt Gall.* bâtard: quod apprime docet Berry in Hîft. Chronol. Caroli VIL ad an. 1432, ubi quem bourg dïcît» pauîo infra appellat bajlard: fie et ad an. 1430, îe bourg de Mafquaren* Bourc in Litt. Reraîff. an. 1411. ex reg. 165. Chartoph. reg. ch. 219. 1 celui Pierre appellaft le fuppliant arlot, tacain, bourc ; qui vaut autant a dire en language du Pais de paj de la, garçon, truant, baftart.
• Bortr eodera feofu ufurpant Hifpani. Vide in hac voce.'
' G 3 . ' the
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