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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.3
page 131
council of ftate, were to be in the good town'% of Amiens, the king of Cyprus took that road, and found the king of France juft arrived, with part of his council. " He was kindly received by them, and related to them the greater part of his travels, which they liftened to with pleafure.
When he had been there fome time, he faid that as yet he had done but little, until he fhould have feen the prince of Wales ; and that, if it pleafed God, he' would go vifit him, as well as the barons of Poitou and Aquitaine, before he returned home.
The king of France made no objection to this, but earneftly entreated that, when he fet out on his return home, he would take his departure from France, to which the kkg of Cyprus readily affent-ecL He therefore left Amiens, taking the road to Beauvais, paled the Seine at Pontoife, and con-tinued his route to Poitiers.
At this time, the prince was at Angoulême, where there were fhortly to be grand entertainments and jufts by forty knights and as many fquires, in honor of the princefs, who had lately been brought to bed of a handfome fon, called Edward *, after his father.
As foon as the prince was informed of the arrival of the king of Cyprus at Poitiers, he fent, by fpeciai command, fir John Chandos, attended by many knights and fquires of his houfehold, to meet him.
• * By her (the princefs) he had two fons, namely Ed-ward the eldeft, born at* Angoulême in February 1365 (Le-land faith 1364)1 who died in Gafcoigne at feven years of age/—and Richard, who was afterwards king of England.. —sQbmoWs Garter, p. 676.
13 They
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