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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.3
page 263
Thçfc and fuch like counfela, equally good an| }oyal9 were-at times given by thofe two knight% îwd followed by the prince. He had his plate, both gold and filver, broken and coined into money, which he liberally diftributed among the free com* ponies. He alfo lent to England, to requeft that hi might obtain from the king the hundred thoufan4 francs before mentioned. The king of England, who knew the wants of the prince, immediately complied, wrote to the king of France on this fub-jeâ, and fent him proper acquittances for the fam he was to pay him. The hundred thoufand francs were by this means paid to the prince, who divided them among different men at arms.
During the time the prince paffed at Angoul&ne, he was one day amufing himfelf m his apartment with many knights erf Gafcony, Poitou and England, joking each other alternately upon this Spanidi ex* pedition, (fir John Chandos was at the time abfent, on his journey to retain the companies,) when he turned himfelf towards the lord d'Albret, andfoid; * My lord d'Albret, how many men can you bring into the field for this expedition ?' J^ord d'Alhrgt was quick in his anfwer, replying, * My lord, if $ wished to afk all my friends, that is, ail my vaflals, I can bring full a thoufand lances, and leave a fufficiency behind 4Q guard the country.* * By my head, lord d'Albret, that is handforae/ returned the prince : then looking at fir William Felton sp4 çthe£ Engifti knights, he added in Epgîifh, * Oi* my faith, one ought to love that country wejl where there i? a bsiron who can attend his lord with a
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