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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.3
page 376
with him, declared war againft Galets, and flew many of his fubje&s at different times: at laft,
* Quo anno (136s), mer.fe Apritis, LeoneUns dux Cla-rtncue, regisEdwardt tcitli filius, cum electa multiiudtne no-feiliura Anglicorum tranfxvit vertus Mediolanum, ad accipi-cndum in uxorem filiam do mini Gallias, domini Mediolani, cum qua mediétatcm ejufJem dominii fuerat habituru*. Sed tamen modico tempore Ax per conjuge vcl dominio gaudere fcrmifftts eft, morte, (quae cun&a "drsjungit & feparat) mew praventus. Célébra to nempe inter cos cum maxima gloria roatrimonio, Leonellus, circa feftum nativitatis beat* Maria proximo feqtientem diem claufit extremum.'
Tho. Walfingham B'tft. JngiL Edw. III. pp. 132, 3.
* Moreover, at the coming of Leonell, fuch abundance of trcafure was in moft bounteous manner fpent, in making of moft fumptuous feafts, fetting forth (lately fights, and honoring with rare gifts above two hundred Englishmen who accompanied his fon-in-law, as it feemed to furpafs the -greatnefs of moft weakhy princes : for tle banquet at which Francis Petrarch was prefent amongft the chiefeft guefts» had about thirty courfes of fer vice at the tabic, and betwixt every courfe there were as many prefentsof wondrous price intermixed 1 all which John Galeafius, chief of the choice youth, bringing to the table» did offer to Leonell. There •were in one only courfe feventy goodly horfes, adorned with filk and filter furniture ; and in another filver veffels, fal-cons, hounds, armour for horfes, coftly coats of mai), breaft-plates gliftering of mafly fteel, helmets and corfelets decked with coftly crefts, apparelled diftinét with coftly jewels, fol-diers girdles, and laftly certain gems by curious art fet in gold, and purple, and cloth of gold for mens apparel in great abundance. And fuch was the fumptuoufnefs of that ban-•quet that the meats which were brought from table would fufficiently have fcrved ten thoufand men. But not long after, Leonell, living with his new wife, whilft after the manner of hi* own country, as forgetting or not regarding
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