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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.3
page 440
&c. into it day and night, had harafled the garrifon fo much, they could not fufficiently watch thefe miners, who fucceeded in their operations, and flung down a great part of the walls ; by which means the town was taken, and all the Englifh in it were put to death without mercy, which was a pity, for there were among them feveral good fquires. The inhabitants were pardoned, on their promifing from that time forth to be loyal Frenchmen. The French commanders appointed captains and men at arms to guard it, as well as others to give advice in the article of repairs, or in whatever other bufmefs ©ccafion might require.
After the conqueft of Real ville, the. army dif-perfed itfelf over the countries of Quercy and Rouergue, to get refrefhments and recruit them-felves. The companies went to the city of Cahors and its neighbourhood. Their leaders were, Aimemon d'Ortige, Perrot de Sâvoye, le petit Mechin, Jacques de Bray and Arnaudon de Pans* who defpoiled the whole country.
The earl of Perigord, the ^earl de i'lfle, the earl de Comminges, the vifcount de Carmaing and the other lords returned to their own eftates} for fir Hugh Calverley, fir Robert Briquet, John Trefnelle, La. put, Naudofcde Bagerant, le bourg Camus, le bourg de rEfparre and other captains of thefe free compa-nies were carrying on a deftru&ive war there, and had burnt and ravaged the lands of the earl d* Ar-magnac and the lord d'Albret. • • There was at this time, as high fteward of Rouergue, a very valiant man and good knight, an
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