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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.3
page 462
Know that Î will never remain here without you* and that, if you go, I will not (lay behind/ So thef refolved to return all four to the prince, to leara more fully what were his intentions. This grand expedition was broken up : and, when the time of reparation arrived, they ordered fir Perducas â'AU breth to the town of Roquemadour with his com-pany to defend that part of the ftontfers againft tlrt» ÏYench. The lords then addrefled the other free companies as follows :
* 'Gentlemen, you hear how our lord the prince fends for us to come to his prefence ; for what taufe we are as yet ignorant. We will therefore explain to you what we wHh you to do m our ab* fence. You will colle& all your forces into one body, and with them pâfs the frontiers of Limoufin kid Auvefgne, to carfy the war thither ; for with* out war you cannot fubfift ; and we fwear and pro* inife you fitthftiHy, that whatever town, caftle or fortrëfs of France ye fhall take and conquer, where* trver it may be fituated, and ye fhall be btfieged iii it, We will fly to your affilante, and will caufe thfe lege to be tfaifed/ Thofe who heard this pfttnife Yfeplted, c ït is trell f\)Oken, and We wiH abide by it $ fat perhaps we may be obliged to have recotrrfe to yod/
In thfe 'manner they feparated : • the efccurfiott "Wiiîs "pat an end to by the lords on one fide, and the "cbffipalrïïes on the other. The lords returned to the town of Angoulême, where the prince entcr-Hafared them handfomely. A ihort time before, th e "èarls Uf "Cambridge aïid of ïfembroke, with fir
. " 44«
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