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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.4
page 33
duke of Burgundy, and the duke of Lancaftcr
was encamped with his army in the valley oppofite to them, a circumstance happened in England, whjch, though fp very common, was pot the iefs unfortunate for the king, his children, and the whole kingdom. That excellent lady the queen of England (who had done fo much good, and during her whole life had aflifted all kjiights, la-die§ arçd cjamfels who had applied to her, who had had fuch boundlefs charity for all mankind, and who had naturally fuch an affe&ion for the Hain-ault nation, being the country from which Ihe fprung,).lay at this time dangeroufly ill §t Wind-forrcaftlc, and her diforder daily increafedt
When the good lady perceived her end ap-proaching, fhe called to the kipg, and, extending her right hand from uqder thç bed-clothes, put it into the right h^nd pf the* king, who wa§ very forrowful at heart, and thus fpoke ; *We have enjoyed our union in happinefs, peace, and prof-perity : I entreat, therefore, of you, that on our feparation, you will grant me three requefts/ The king, with fighs and tears, replied s € Lady, afk ; whatever you requeft fhall be granted/ cMy lord, I beg you will acqpit rne of whatever çn-gagepent$ I m^y have entered into formerly with merchants for their wares, as well on this as on the other fide pf the feg, I befeech you alfo to fulfil whoever gifts or legacies I may have made, or left to churches, here or on the continent, wherein I have paid my devotions, as well as what I may have left to thofe of both fexes who have Ç 3 been
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