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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.4
page 46
country. They advanced to the caftle of Perots % where ths countefs dowager refided. They ex-Wine4 well the fort, and the duke founded the depth pf the ditches with a lance ; notwithftanding this, thçy made no attack, though they fhowed every appearance of it. They made no long ftay, bm continued their marth, and went towards Lu-cheux f, a harîdfome town, which belonged to the çoynt. They burnt the town, and, without touching the caftle, continued their road for St. Riquier J,
The Çnglifh did not march more than three or four leagues a-day, fo that they burnt and deftroy-ed all the countries they pafled through. ' They crofled the river Somme at Blanchetaque below Abbeville, and then entered the country of Vi-meu U, with the intention of pufliing forward to Harfleur on the Seine, in order to burn the navy of the king of France.
The count de St. Pol, and fir Moreau de Fi-ennes, conflable of France, with a large body of men at arms, purfued and hovered about the Englifh army, fo that they could not disperse nor quit the ftraight road, but were obliged to keep in a compaft body, to be ready to combat the French fhould they be fo inclined.
• Caftle of Pernes,—a town in Artois, three leagues from Sc. Pol.
f Lucheux,—a town of Picardy, near Doulens. I St. Riquier,—an ancient town in Picardy, two leagues and a half from Abbeville.
(I Vimeu,—in Picardy, St. Valéry h its capital.
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