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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.4
page 159
were Confiance and ilfabella» The duke himfelf fet out from Bourdeatix, when he knew they were coming, to meet them in grand array. He mar-• ried the eldeft, the lady Confiance, at a village on the road called Rochefort, on the other fide of the city of Bourdeaux, and gave there, on the day of his marriage, a fplendid feaft, to which were in-vited a great number of lords and ladies to add to its magnificence. Soon after the wedding, the duke conducted his lady to Bourdeaux, where there were again grand entertainments. The duchefs and her fifter were much feafted by the ladies and damfels of Bourdeaux, who pre-fented them with magnificent gifts ' and prefcnts for the love they bore the duke.
News was brought to king Henry in Caftille, and to all the barons of the realms, who were allied to him by fealty and homage, that his niece had married the duke of Lancafter, and that it was fuppofed the younger fifter would efpoufe the earl of Cambridge upon the duke's return to England. ~The king was very melancholy on hearing this, and fummoned his council. He was • then advifed to fend able ambafladors to the king of France, to explain his fituation. The king agreed to their opinions, and chofe the wifeft men in his kingdom to go to France. They fet out with a grand re-tinue, and continued their road without interrup-tion until they came to Paris, where they found the king, who received them with every politenefs. The king of France had many interviews with thefe ambafladors, who had full powers, properly
L 2 fealed
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