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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.4
page 259
When the bec aid- hid deHrettd tKirwRger, the duke of Anjou fent for the headftnan^ awl ordered the hoftages, Who were two knights ant a fquire, to be brought forth* and had them hm-tieaded* before the caftie, fo lipt thofe within might lee aid know them, . Sir Robert Knolles inftanriy ordered a table ta fee fixed without fide of the windows of the cattle; and h^d led there fouf of M| prifoners,, three knights and à fquire, fof whom he might hâve Had great ranfom» bm he b$d them ^headed and iuag down into the ditch* the hcadi m one fide ^nd the bodies op the other.
The fiege was raifed softer this, and ^1 the men at arms returned to France j eyen the duke of Anjou went to Paris to vifit the king his brother ; the conftable* with |he lord de Cliflbn and others, parched to t|fe city of Trojres, for -die Englifli were already in that part of the country:' they jiad crofted thç rive? MtWfc an4 were taking the ' psttd towards Anxcntt.
At this tfme, pope Qregory XI, led fent the arcl^bifhop of Rouen and the bilhofi Of Carpenr ttas ip legation.to France, to endeavour,- if pof-fihle, fo mtakc peace between the king* of Eraacfe and England: thefe two prelates had tnany diffiU çulties in travelling tqwards the king of France and his brother** and afterwards to the duke of Lancafter : the Çngjliih, howeyer, kept advancing; through the country of Forets, having pafled Auvergne, Limoufin, and the rivers Loire, Al-lier, Dordonne, and Lot. Neither the pnglifh R 4 pof
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