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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.4
page 286
••' The lord dé Coucy at this period returned tor France : he had been a long time " in Lombardy with the count de Vertus*, fou of the lord Galeas Vifconri, and had made war on lord Bernabo Vif-conti and his allies, for the caufe of the church and of Gregory XI. who at that time was pope, and for the holy college of Rome. - The lord de Coney, in right of fucceflion to the lady his mother, who was fitter to the duke of Auftria laft deceafed, was the true heir of that duchy. The laft duke did not leave any child by legal marriage, and the inhabitants of Auftna had difpofed of the eftace in favour of a relation, but farther removed than the lord de Coucy. This lord had frequently complained of fuch conduft to the emperor, the lord Charles of Bohemia. . The emperor readily acknowledged the lord de Coney's right : but he could not compel the Auftrians to do the fame, who were in great force in their own eountry, and had plenty of men at arms. The lord de Coucy had gallantly carried on the war againft them lèverai times, through the aid of one of his aunts, fiftcr to the aforefaid duke ; but he had not gained much. On the lord de Coucy's return to France, the king entertained htm handfomély. Having confidered there were
• John Galets Vifconri, iri duke of Milan, bore the title of count de Vertus, until Wenceflaus, king of the Roman*, in* veiled him with the ducal dignity 1395. He gained, by creacbery, poffeiion ofhis uncle Bernabo, and put him to death by poifon.—For further particulars, ee Muratori and Corio.
' ' . numbers
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