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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.4
page 371
rëfpe&s, excepting fome papal cafes, which he had not the .power to delegate out of his own*' hands.
When the duke found that neither reafon nor* entreaties could prevail with his holinefs to remain' where he was, he took leave of him, and faid at his departure ; c Holy father, you. are going into, a country, and among people by whom you are but little loved. You leave the fountain of faith,-and a kingdom wherein the cliurch Has ~ more piçl:^* and excellence than in all tHe reff p'fjtfie world** By this aftion of yours, the church 'may. fall ipto^ great tribulation; for fhould you die in that coun-try, (which is but too probable, as your phyficians declare) thefe Romans, who are a ftrange people and traitors, will be lords and maftcrs of all, the cardinals, whom they will force to eleft a pope ac-cording to their wifhes.' .
Notwithftanding thefe fpeeches and reafons, he would not put off his journey, but fet out and ar-* rived at Marfeilles, where the galleys of Genoa, had been ordered to wait for him. The duke of Anjou returned to Touloufe*. ^
Pope Gregory embarked at Marfeilles with a^ numerous attendance, and a favourable wind, landed him at Genoa. After having re-vi&uaildT his galleys, he again embarked, and, making Taii for Rome, difçmbarked not far from it. .
. • Deny s Saurage &ys in a note, that it was after this return to Touloufe, he undertook the expedition mentioned in the lxiiid chapter.of this volume. " -
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