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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.5
page 47
tharched out in furety, and each man returned to his home. v
From this caftle they came before Taflègnon; which is fituated three leagues from Bàyonrte, and laid fiege to it. The Bàyonnois were much rejoiced when they heard of this ; and they were joined from that town by full five hundred men With lances and Ihields, bringing with them the largeft of their-warlike engines. ' The garrifon of Taffegnon having done fo much harm to thofe of Bayonne made them thus defirous of their deftruftion j but they would never have fucceeded had it not been fot the judgment and advice of the Englifh : yet with all their united force they were fifteen days before they gained it, Which was done by capitulation, on the garrifon marching out in fafety under paffports from fir Thomas Trivet, who had them efcortçd as far as Bregent, which belonged to the French. The Bayonnois bought the caftle for three thoufand francs, and then razed it, carrying the ftones to Bayonne; where the EngHlh were received with great joy, and hacj all things according to their wife by paying for them.
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