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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.5
page 147
de Ciirae, fir Gerard de Marquetllies, the lord de Çohpn, fir Rafle de Montigny, fir Henry de la Ha-mede, fir John de Gre$ and other knights, amount-ing to about one hundred $nd five in number. They kept up a regular and numerous guard i fm they had not any confidence in the inhabitants, an| they made the women and children retire into the monafteries. The citizens, and townsmen kept within their houfes 5 and, in order to prevent the bad efftfts of the cannon and the perpetual fire which the Flemings kept up againft the town, they had thç houfes covered with earth, to hinder thcra from taking fire.
. During the fiege of Oudenarde, the commanders of the Flemings were informed that the earl was at Dendremonde, and had with him his coufin tho duke de Mons and numbers of other knights. They determined to fend fix thoufand of their army thithçr, to examine its appearance, and to iqalçc aq affault upon it.
This refolurion was executed. The detachment which had been ordered, under the command of Rafle de Harzelle, continued their march until they came to a-final village on the river Teure, a Ihort league from Dendremonde, where they took up their quarters. Thçfe Flemings had provided themfelves with a number of boats, which they had had fent down the river, that they might embark on board qf them, and attack the place by land and water. A little after midnight, they arole, armed themfelves, and made every preparation to begin fhe attack the inftant they fhould be arrived there ;
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