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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.5
page 210
retted, fitflfed the rim Abbe at Pont I l'Ange» ami ffiarchfcd towards Valant fur Seine, ' The lard de Ettftgeft fead a very narrow, efcipc% , This fame day thecaptaftu of the tan-guard^ fir Thonias Trivet, ftf Hugh Calverley, the lord De* làwarr, the baftard his brother, Peter Berton and many bthers, made an èxcuffièn from the army, and met fir John de Roye, with about twenty fpears of the duke ôf Burgundy who were goihg m Troyes* The -Engl&j oft feeing th*ffi* fptttred their horfes ; for the French wenc making off, as not in fufficient numbers to wait for them. The greater part did efcape j and fir John de Roye, wkh others, got within the barriers of Troyes, which at the time chanced to be • open. On their return, they cap-tured four of his men who could not fave them-felves : among whom was â fquire to tht duke of Burgundy, called Guion Goufeiy an expert mitx at arms. His horfe was mueffi heated, fo that hè fed difmounted, and, having placed himfelf againft a walnut tree, fougfo Valiantly two Etfglifhmen, who prefled him hard, crying out to hint in Englifh to furrender $ but he unfderftood them not* Fierabras, on his return from the purfuk, arriving at the fpot, faid to tht fquire m French, f Surrender thyfelf.' On hearing' this, he'REPLIED, c Art thou « gentle-, man V The baftard rejoined, he was. € I then fur-render fnyfclf to thee/ prefenttng him his fwiïfci and gauntlet $ for whkh the Englifh would have. kiHed hint when he wife in the baftatd's hands, and tSxey told him he *aë not very éourtËdua, thus to carry from them their prifootf, but the baftard was O 4 ftronger
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