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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.5
page 244
/ Î33
his country determined to perform what they had promifed him at the beginning of the fummer^ . ' Thp earl replied ; c Fair brother of Brittany, it fhall ûot be long, if you follow my advice, before you punifh thefe rebels ; for, with the forces which you have yourfelf, and thofe we have brought, with the additional reinforcements that may arrive from England every day, we fhall bring your fubjefts into fuch a ftate of fubmiffion that they will • gadly throw themfelves on your mercy/ With thefe and fuchlike fpeeches they converfed for a long time, when each retired to his hôtel, _ On the morrow, they. rode out to-gether : it was then fettled that the council of the earl fhould attend the duke to Rennes, and finally make arrangements for their future proceedings. That evening the duke, with the earl's council, remained at la Maifiere, and the earl returned to la Hedé, for they were all quartered in the envi-rons of la Maifiere. The next day, the duke went to Rennes, accompanied by the lord Latimer, fir Robert Knolles,. lord Thomas Percy, fir Thomas Trivet, and others of the council of the earl.
They remained three days in confultation at Rennes : at laft, it was determined, and fworn to, on the part of the duke of Brittany, on the holy Evangdifts, that he would lay fiege to Nantes, in company with the earl of Buckingham, and be there in perfon fifteen days after the Englifh were arrived. The duke alfo engaged to fend down the river Loire plenty of barges, the more to con-ftrain thofe of Nantes, and would not himfelf quit
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