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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.6
page 108
'carry with them.' - They fixed them in front of their army, and inclofed themfelves within.
The three knights who had been fent by the earl* to reconnoitre, found them in this fitu-ation : they approached the entrances of thefe ribaudeaus ; but the Ghent men never moved, and rather feemed rejoiced to fee them. •
They returned to Bruges, where they found the earl in his palace, furrounded by many Jcnights, waiting for them, to hear what intelli-gence they had brought back. They pushed through the crowd, and came near the earl, when they fpoke aloud, for the earl wished all prefent to hear, and faid, € they had advanced fo clofe to the Ghent army, that they might have shot at them, if they'had fo chofen, but they left them in peace; and that they hadfeen their banners, ahd the army inclofed within their ribaudeaus/
cAnd what are their numbers, think ye?' faid the earl. They anfwered, that as near as they could guefs, they might be from five to fix thou-fand.' c Well/ faid the earl, 'now let every one instantly gtet ready ; for I will give them battle, and this ' day shall not pafs without a combat/ At thefe words the trumpet founded in Bruges, when every one armed himfelf, and made for the market-place. As they came, they drew up un-der their proper " banners.; • as they had ufually done, in bands and constable wicks. -
Many barons, knights and men at arms, drew up before the palace of the earj. • When all was
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