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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.6
page 115
ger ; for it was over with him if he had at thai hour, by any accident, fallen into the hands of the mob, who were going up and down tbi ftreets,fearching every houfe for the friends of th§ £*rJ ; and whomfoever they found they carriçd before Philip von Artaveld and the other captain? in the market-place, when they were inftantly put to death. It w^s God alone who watched over hip, and delivered him from this peril: for no one had ever before been in fpçh imminent danger» as I fhall prefently relate,
The earl inwardly bewailed his fitqation from ftreet to ftwt at this late hour, for it was a littlf pitffed midnight, and he dared #pt epter any houfe, left he fhould be feized by fhe mobs of Ghçnt and Bruges,. Thus, as he was rambling throng^ the ftreetp» hç at laft entered the hpufe of 3. poor wopan, a very unfit habitation for fuçfc a lojrdt #s there wçrt neither halls nor apartments, toll a imall howfe, dirty and ftnqky, apd *s black as jut: there wis only ip this place, qv$ poftT chamfer, aver wthkh was* fort of a garret tb# ww «ntered Jy peans of jx Udder of fçvep #ept wherç» on » piiferpbte bed, tifc children W Ms wojpaff fy, . . • The esp| entered tbjf fcojife with feapr §nd trembling, and faid tp t|p jyçipan, wbp Wl »IÔ npch ftrigh^epe^^tr' Wopp^n, hwmp:* I Wthy Jb# &rl «f Ftatf sip* but nt ttf» «sm#9.t/ jpift Midp ipyfpf fotmy çnemietwe m j»vtfutt il#iWt| pod I J^-jMRdfopriy thee-for
tfrr&wur t^m (feneft m*9 - • -
Tigs ppor .wçrnM- .kppw km iwB, im &e fend
101 #
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