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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.6
page 307
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Many words pafled; for the Ghent men advifed him not to put any truft in what the earl had faid, for there was no dependence on his pro-mifes, and told him that if he could he would deceive Kim. Having therefore maturely con-fidered every thing, he gave notice to the biihop ôf Liege, that he might return when he pleaied, for he Would not pay aniy attention to his offers ; • and, as for the fiege, he would never depart thence until he had reduced the town of Ypres to his obedience.
The bifhop finding he could obtain nothing more, took his leave and returned to Lille, and gave the earl of Flanders the anfwer he had re^ çeived. When the earl faw that he could not .obtain any terms, he was more penfive than before; for he clearly perceived, that unlefs the force of France raifed the fiege, he fhould lofe his good town of Yjpres He therefore wrote other letters, giving a detail of what anfwers he had received, and what? was going forwards, •which hç fent by one of his own knights to his fon and daughter of Burgundy, who refided at Gompiegne. " The bifhpp of liege left the earl, and returned through Douay and Valenciennes to his own country. •
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