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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.6
page 342
Came to the tent of the lord Guy de la Tremon-ille to play and amufe themfelves, where they ftaid all night. On the Monday-morning they returned to Bourbourg; and at their departure the lord Guy faid to them, c John and Remon-net, ye fhall both be my prifoners this even-ing/ They replied, they would prefer being his, than belonging to any other knight.
Intelligence arrived this Sunday of the capture of Oudenarde, which much vexed fir Gilbert de Lieneghien the governor, as it had been loft through his abfence; but he was exeulpated from all blame by his lord the eârl of Flanders, who had fent for him. The count de Blois commanded the king's guard this Sunday, and every one thought the attack would be renewed on Monday : but in the morning it was pro-claimed through the army, that the king forbade any attack until further orders. This procla-mation made every one quiet; and feveral lords gueffedthat the Englifh would efcape by means of a treaty, as the attack was forbidden.
After dinner, thofe who were to negotiate came out of the town, fuch as fir William Elm-ham, fir Thomas Trivet, fir Nicholas. Drayton, fir Matthew Redman and others, to the number of fourteen knights and fquires, whom the dute of Brittany, the conftable of France and the count de St. Pol, conducted to the tent of the king.
The king was much pleafed thereat, as he had fcarcely feen any Englifh except fir Peter
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