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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.6
page 347
and they were at one time in danger of their lives. . The king ordered thefe two knights to be confined in the tower of London, and during the time of their imprifonment the country was quieted: on their liberation, they threw them-felves on the king's mercy*. • •
At this time, negotiations were fet on foot to conclude a truce between England and France, in whi,ch the Ghent men were to be included, to the great difpleafu^e of the earl of Flanders; but he could not help it. When the army de-camped from Bourbourg, the duke of Brittany remained with his coufin the eârl of Flanders at St. Omer, and was defirous that a long peace or truce fliould be eftabliflied between his lawful lord, the king of France, and the king of Eng-land. In order to make a beginning to fuch bufinefs, he had mentioned the fubject to fome of the Englifli knights, on the Monday, when they were in the king's tent before Bourbourg ; which knights had promifed, on their arrival in
' * Writs were iflued to the fheriffs of London, Somerfct, Dorfet, Eflex, Norfolk and Suffolk, to levy on the goods of fir W. Elmham, for 3080 golden francs,—fir W. de Farndon, 1400 ditto,—fir Thomas Trivet, 1400 ditto,—fir Henry de Ferrers, 6080 ditto,—Robert Fitzrauf, 300 ditto. - /
They were alfo to be taken into ouftody ; but no mention is made of the tower of London. .. *.
Robert de Foulmer, clerk, treanirer to the bilhop of Nor-wich, was alfo imprifoned, and 5000 golden francs levied on his goods. ' '
Dated 6th March,—pardoned 14th May.-—-RYMER; ann. 1384, ann; 7. Rid. II, • ' • ' .
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