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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.6
page 367
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£nglatid and Caftille. The king of Scotland and the ambaïTadors fent each a herald to Eng^ land fully inftructed what they were to fay.
When the heralds arrived in England, they found the whole country in motion, and eager to renew the war, by marching into • Scotland. The duke of Làncafter and earl of Cambridge were, however, anxious to go to Portugal and Caftille in the courfe of the year, with a large body of men at arms and archers, under the power of one or both of them ; for they consi-dered themfelves as heirs by their ladies to all Caftille, and they wifhed to renew the war be-1 tween the king of Portugal and the king of Caftille. . King Fernando was dead, and the Portuguefe had crowned his baftard brother don Johtti a valiant man who wifhed for a war with the Spaniards, but not without having fuccours from England. Of this the duke of Làncafter was well informed, but diflembled his knowledge âs well as he could, and endeavoured through his friends to prevent any forces being collected to carry on a war with Scotland. It was affert-ed, that the king of Scotland had refufed to au* thorife the war which the French and Scots knights wifhed for, and that the late expedition had been made without his knowledge.
The Scots herald on his appearance before the king of England and his uneles well knowing his duty, threw himfelf on his knees, and re-quefted that5 as herald from the king of Scot* land, he might deliver his meffage. • . The king and the nobles granted his requeft ; VOL, VI/V A a he
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