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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.6
page 384
of duke Albert, who, by his own right, was heir to the countries of Hainauit, Holland and Zealand.
This lady forefaw, that if fuch an alliance fhould take place between Hainauit and Eng-land, the French would be much hurt, and the fair country of Hainauit harraffed either fe-cretly or openly, by all thofe who fhould pafs and repafs from France to Flanders. In addi-tion to this, the Hollanders and Zealanders who bordered on the fea affifted the Ghent men in various ways, of which the duke of Bur-gundy and his council had been informed. He -did not love duke Albert the better for this*; not, however, that he was any way to be blamed for it; for with regard to the Hollanders and Zealanders, as the war in Flanders no way con-cerned them, he could not, neither ought he to have forbidden the free courfe of commerce.
The good lady having confidered - all thefe things, and the^dangerous confeqiiences which might enfue, refolved to- bring the duke of Burgundy and* duke Albert to a good under-ftanding, and offered* herfelf as guarantee of all the treaties. • She was determined alfo to pre-vail on the duke of Burgundy to receive the men of Ghent into his mercy. '
Clerks and meffengers were immediately fet tO'Work: and fhe managed fo well that a con-ference was fixed to meet at'Cambray on the part of the two - dukes. They both affented to it, as well as their oouncil, though neither of them knew the fubjeets this conference was to treat of.
" • •' To
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