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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.7
page 189
fended itfelf againft the garrifon of Lourde. We pafled by it, and entered Beam, when the knight flopped in the plain, and said, € We are now in Béarn.' There were two roads that, croffed each other, and we knew not which to • take, whether that to Mori ens or to Pau : at laft, we followed that to Morlens.
In riding over the heaths of Béarn, wfyich are tolerably level, I afked, in order to renew our converfation, c Is the town of Pan near us ?' c " Yes/ faid he, c I will fliew you the fteeple ; but it is much farther off than it appears, and the roads are yery bad to travel on account of -the deep clays, and it would be folly for any one to attempt going through them that, is not well acquainted with the country. Below are featect the town and caftle of Lourde/ c And who is governor of it now ?' c John de Beam, brother to fir Peter de Béarn that was murdered, and he ftiles himfelf fénéfchal of Bigorre for the king of England.' € Indeed !' faid I, c and does this John ever vifit the count de Foix ?' ' Never fince the death of his brother ; but his other companions, fuch as Peter d'Anchin, Emauton de Restin, Ernauton de Sainte Colombe and others go thither whenever they have occasion.' Has the count de Foix made any amends for the murder of the knight ? or has he ever again been in fuch pallions ?' ' Yes, very often, re-plied the knight ; f but as for amends, he has never maHe any, except indeed by secret ..pe-nances, maffes and prayers : he has with him
N S ' th
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