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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.7
page 333
MS . . .
to the great joy of the inhabitants of Tarbes, as they had received many injuries from it. They . then marched to the caftle of Auch, in Bigorre, fituated among the mountains on the borders of Béarn.
They remained there about fifteen days, but only conquered the lower court with all the horfes within it, though very many attacks*were made: the great tower, being feated on a high rock, they could opt win, for it is impregnable. „ The lords feeing they were labouring in vain, and that William Morenton, the captain, would nei-ther furrender nor liften to any treaty whatever, marched away, and returned to Tarbes. Sir Walter de Paflac then difbanded his army, with liberty for them to return to their homes. Thofe who had ferved in this army received their pay in money or in promiflbry notes, at their op-tion : he himfelf retired to recruit himfelf at
• Carcaflbne, and in that neighbourhood.
During his refidenee at Carcaflbne, he re^ ceived orders from the king of France to go to
, Bouteville in Saintonge, on the borders of
. Poitou and the Bordelois, which was under the command of a Gafcon called Sainte-Foy, as it had been reported that fir John Harpedane, fènéfchal of Bourdeaux, was collecting a large force at Libourne on the Dordogne, to march
. thither and attack fuch forts as the Poitevins and Saintongers had raifed before it. Sir Wal-ter, as was natural, obeyed the king's orders, and took with him fixty lances and one hundred Geftoefe erofe»boW8. On leaving Carcaflbne
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