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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.8
page 6
CHAP. XXHL France makes Preparations to affift King John of Caftille.—The Duke of Bourbon is appointed Commander in Chief of the French Army - - 153
XXIV. The Eoglifti Fleet defeats that of Sir John De Bucq, Admiral of Flanders for the Duke of Bur-gundy.—The Ehglifli, after doing much Mifchief to Sluys, and that Part of the Country, return to London - - 156
XXV. The King of Portugal fends Am-
baffadors to the Duke 5f Lancaf-ter to conclude his Marriage with the Lady Philippa.—Sir Barrois ' - Des Barres is ordered by the
King of Caftille to the Caftle of Noya - - - 164
XXVI. The Duke of Lancafter fends a
Reinforcement to the Siege of Ribadavia.—On that Town being taken by Storm, Maures inftantly furrenders - - - 169 XXVII. The Lady Philippa of Lancafter is r married, by Procuration, to the
King of Portugal.—The Cere- ' mony is again performed with great Magnificence and Feaftings at Oporto - • - 176
XXVIII. The Duke of Lancafter marches his Army to Entença.—The In-habitants fend, with the Confent of the Duke, to the King of Caf-tille for "Succour, - - 180
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