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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.8
page 11
CHAP. XLIX. The Dukes of York and Glocefter, Uncles to the King, confederate, with other Barons, againft him and his Council.—The People are difcontented with theDuke of Ire* land.—The Londoners* through the Means of the Duke of Glo-cefter and his Friends, obtain from the King, that a Day (hould % be fixed for thofe who had ma-naged the,Financés to render an Account of them - - 307 t,. The Commiflioners of Accounts con-demn Sir Simon Burley to be im-prifoned in the Tower of London. —Sir Thomas Trivet is killed by a Fall from his Horfc.—Sir Wil-liam Elmham is acquitted of hav-ing taken Money for the Surren-der of Bourbourg and Gravelines 320 IX The King of England having left London, Sir Simon Burley is be-headed, to the great Difpleafure of the King and Queen.—A Change of the Miniftry - 326 LIL While the Council, on the State of the Nation, is fitting at London* King Richard, by the Advice of the Duke,of Ireland, determines to wage War againft his Uncles and the principal Towns - 331
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