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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.8
page 17
were badly managed, and the young king gv veraed by wicked counfeltors. TIjis made Mm the more defirous of quitting the country.
Before his embarkation, and in the prefence of his brothers, he appointed his £bn, Henry earl of Derby, his lieutenant for whatever concerned him during his abfence, and chofc for him a fet of abler advifers. This Henry was a young and handfbme-knight, fcn of the lady Blanche forft duchefe o£ Lancafter. I never faw two fueh noble dames, fo good, liberal, and courteous, as this lady and the late queen of England, nor ever (hall, were I to live a thoufand. years, which is impoffible.
- When the duke of Lancafter had arranged his affairs in England, and had taken leave of the king and his brothers, he came to Briftol, where he tarried fifteen days, until, his holies to the amount of more than two thoufaad, and Ms Up es were fafely embarked, with ample psovifioa ef fey, ftraw, oats, and frefh water.
The duke then entered a handfome galley, hav-ing, befide it, a large vcflel for his houfehoM ami the duchefs, who had con&nted, with great iour* agç, to accompany him on ' this expedition ; for (he expe&ed, on her arrivât in h/er native country* or at leaft before her return, tcvhe queen of Cuftille^ She had with her fee* own daughter Catharine* and two other daughters of the duke by Mi &r-mer marriage, called Ifabdla and Philippa. I&-bell** was parried to fir John Holland* conftable
* Her name was Elizabeth. Sir John Holland was created^ carh of Huntingdon and duke of Exetçr. She was,, after hi*
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