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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.8
page 45
weak up the expedition of the duke of Lancafter, ind force him to return home, as to give alarm o the Englifh, and fee how they will behave.9 Greater armaments were made in France than had litherto been done* Heavier taxes were impofed m all the towns and country than for one hundred fears, and fuch fums had never been raifed, not were ever greater preparations made by fea and and. The whole fummer, until September, was employed in grinding flour, and making bifcuit, in Arras, Bethune, Lille, Douay, Amiens, St. Omer, and in all the towns near to Sluys; for it was the plan of the king to embark at Sluys, fail for England, and deftroy the whole country.
Many of *he rich men of France were forced to pay a thi^rd or fourth of their property, in order :o build veii'els of a fufEcient fize ; and the poorer fort were taxed a$ much as they were worth, to pay the men at arms.
There was not a veffel of any fize from the Dort of Seville to Pruffia, that the French could ay theft* hands on, but was feized by fair or foul neans, for the king of France. Provifions arrived Tom all quarters. Very great quantities of wine, alted meats, ôats, truffes of hay, onions, ver-juice, bifcuit, floijr, blotter, the yolks of eggs in ponder and rammed in barrels, and every other aeceflary, were fent from Flanders, fo that, in Future times, thofe who have not fceen eye-witneffes will never believe the accounts.
Lords and knights, at great diftances, were written to, to requeft they would accompany the
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