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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.8
page 74
or fix of your knights to the king of Portugal, and we «advife that a baron, at kaft, be of the number,, to remonflrate with him on public affairs ; add Jet it. be fugg^bed that you are very anxious tq have fome perfonal conferences with him. Thofe whom you fend wijl, of courfe, act with prudence ; but, by all means, let them prefs for an immediate interview/ The duke copfented to this propofal ; and the lord Poolings, a great baron in England, fir John Bancel*, "fir John d'Ambreticourt and fir John Sounder, baftard-brother to the conftable of the. army, were ordered to go to Portugal* • Thefe lords made themfelves ready, to fet put from Sant jago with one hundred fpears and two. hundred archers ; but, juft as they were on the point of departure, having received their creden-tial letters, there arrived from Portugal a knight and fquire, attended by twelve lances* The knight's name was Vafco Martin d'Acunha, and the fquire Fernando Martin de Merlo: they were both of the king's houfehould, and the neareft about his per-fon. They were comfortably lodged in Sant Jago, and prefented to the duke and duchefe, by each of whom they were moft gracioufiy received* They delivered their letters to their graces, which being read, they found, that in addition to the ftrong expreflions of frieadfhip and affeétion, the king of Portugal had fent two handfome ambling white mules, which gave them much pleafure. The englifh embaffy was not for this laid afide : it was
f d if not lord fiurneL
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