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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.8
page 80
but faid, 11 fhouid imagine the largeft army muft be that of Caftille. We rode fo near that we plainly diftinguiihed the enemy drawn up in battle array : fome put themfelves in motion, in purfuit of us*; but I fancy they were foreigners, from Gafeofty. Don Fernando, obfervmg tfeem, feud, * Here are our enemies : let us haften away/ The enemy advanced full gallop, ihouting, ç Caftille, Caftille !' but our men, feeing our fituation, came to our afliftance : the main body, however, did not take any ftep in confequence.
4 The king received don Fernando with great joy, and he was potted at the bridle of the king** horfe, for he was one of our braveft knights, I feel myfelf under the greateft obligation to him for having delivered me from the hands of mine ene-mies ; other wife I fhouid not have been prefent at this famous battle of Aljubarota. ' Now, did he not do me a great fervice f * On my faith, that he did/ replied fir John; € and, from what you have faid, he muft be well acquainted with his bu-finefs/ € Aye, that he is/ anfwered the fquire. Upon this, they rode on a little fafter to overtake their companions ; and they all arrived that night at Coimbra.
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