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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.8
page 82
tte king's table. Sir John d'Ambrericourt and fir John Sounder were at another table with the great barons of the kingdom, among whom was Law-rence Fongafle, fquire of honour to the king, who was well known to thefe knights, having been ac-quainted with them in England; on which-account he made them the beft cheer in his power, and this he knew well how to do.
The dinner the king of Portugal gave to thefe knights was very handfome and well ferved : when over, they adjourned to the council chamber, and the knights, addreflmg themfelves to the king, the count d'Acunha and the count de Novaire, fpoke as follows : c Sire, with all the compliments the duke of Lancafter has charged us to pay you, he ordered us to fay, that he is very defirous of hav-ing a perfonal interview with you/ The king re-plied, he was equally anxious for it, and added,
* I beg of you to haften every thing as much as. poflible, that we may have a conference together/
* That will be very proper,* faid the barons of Portugal, c for until you meet you will never un-derftand each other. You may then confer on the moft eife&ual means of carrying on the war againft the king of Caftille/ € That is true/ anfwered the knights. € Be fpeedy about it, then/ faid the king,; c for, if the duke wilhes to fee me, I want ' alfo to fee him/ They then entered on other con-verfation ; for the council was to determine when and where thi* meeting fhould take place, and in-form the englifh knights of it. This was done. It was agreed #the king of Portugal fhould go to
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