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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.8
page 100
herald, f they have no fuch intentions. They de-fire me to inform you, they are willing to fubmit themfelves to the duke and duchefs, on fimilar terms to thofe which other towns have obtained; and if you will go thither they will gladly receive you/ c Well/ faid the marihal, 6 it is better we thus gain the place than by aflault ; for our men, at leaft, will neither be wounded nor flain/ The marfhai and his army marched at a foot's pace to the town, where he difmounted, and went to the barrier and gate. There were numbers of peo-ple affembled, but their whole armours were not worth ten francs, to fee the Englifh j and the per-fon who had given the anfwer to the herald was there alfo, to conclifde a treaty. The moment the herald perceived him, he faid to the marfhai,— '.My lord, fpeak to that elderly man who is bow-irfg to you, for he has the .greateft weight in the place/
c The marfhai advanced, and faid,—c Now, what have you to fay? Will you furrender your-felves to my lord, the duke of Lancafter, and to his duchefs, as to your legal fovereigns V c Yes, my lord/ replied the old man : 4 we furrender our-felves .to you, and acknowledge them for our lords, as other towns in Galicia have done ; and, if you and your companions pleafe to enter the town, you are welcome; but on condition, that fhouid you want provifion* you do not feize it, but loyally ppy for whatever you may take/
' I agree to this/ faid the marfhai ; • for we only defirc the Jove and obedience of the country ; but
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