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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.8
page 174
feffets tiiât were in the harbour. They feîe&ètt the lighteft veffels from rhofe they had conquered^ and filling and bedaubing them, with pitchy oil and other combuftibles, let them float with thé tide into the harbour of Sluys. Thefë veffels burnt lb clear and well, that the Englifh hoped thejr would fer fire to forhe large (hips from Caftille and other countries, indifferent to them which ; but they did hot the fmalleft damage to any. The Englifh, by this vi&ory, gained great wealth,* fcfpe-fcially in wine^ as they captured more than nine thoufand tons, which caufed wine to be as dear iit Flanders and Hainault all that year as it was of courfe cheap in England. Thus it happens $ one man's gain is another s lofs. The Ênglifh, how-ever, did not fail from Sluys, but remaihed at anchor, and from the galleys and barges, landed, on the. oppofite fide of the river to Sluys, at Tremue, which they burnt; with the monaftèry; and feme other towns on the coaft, whither they went along the fea-fhore^ or on the dykes, called Tournehonque and Murdeques. They made many of the countrymen priforters, and lay thus at anchor upwards of ten days ; during *#hich time they formed feveràl ambufcades bet v. een Damme and Sluys, and on the road to Coclear*. Sir Johri de Launay, a man at arms from Tournay; was there made pHfoner, who, in company with the lord d'Eftrinay and fir Blànquart de Coulorige,'
* Coclear. Ô. Coxye.
: tot-viii; M . hii
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