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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.8
page 192
ÎBG the prizes tfere diftributed. Sir John Holland gained the one deftined for ftrangers ; and that for the natives was won by a knight attached to the king, called FIR John Tefta-d'oro. The day and night pafled thus jovially in various * amufements. That night the king lay with the queen ; and it was reported by thofe who were near his perfon, that he had hitherto been perfe&ly chafte, and had never known woman.
On the morrow the feaftings and juftings were renewed, when fir Vafco Martin de Merlo gained one prize, and fir John d*Ambreticourt the other. The night was fpent, as before, in carollings, danc-ing and other fports ; and, while the Englifh ftaid at Oporto, there were tournaments every day.
With fuch rejoicings was the queen of Portugal received on her arrival at Oporto. They lafted up-wards of ten days; and the king made all the ftrangers, on their departure, fuch gifts as fatisfied them. The englifh lords, having taken leave of the king and queen of Portugal, returned to Sant Jago. " The duke and duchefs of Lancafter made great inquiries* and were told all that had pafled ; that the king faluted them, and that the queen rfc-conrtmepded herfelf to their love. Sir John Hol-land and fir Thomas Percy added,—c My lord, the laft words the king faid to us were, that you might take the field, when you pleafedj for that he would join you and enter Caftille/ : c That is good news /indeed/ replied the duke;
About fifteen days after the return of the lords :from Portugal* the duke of Lancafter ordered them
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