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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.8
page 194
duke and his army were advancing againft them, held a council to confider what conduct they (hould purfue. After many debates, it was at length agreed that they fhould fçnd fix of their principal men to the duke and duchefs, to entreat they might not be attacked for eight days only, when they would let the king of Caftille know their fituation, and if he fent them no aid, they would furrender unconditionally. The fix citizens, on leaving the town, took the road the Englifh were coming, and firft met the van-guard, under the command of the marfhal, by whom they were inftantly arretted. They faid, they were deputed by the inhabitants of Entença to parley with the duke. Upon which the marfhal faid to fir John Sounder, who was by his fide ; ' Conduâ thefe men to my lord ; for it will be neceflkry to efcort them, or they may be flain by our archers/ The knight replied, he would take care of them ; and then the marfhal faid, € Go, go, this knight will conduct you/ They all de-parted, and rode together until they came up With the duke and duchefs, who had difmounted, and were fitting under fome fine olive trees, attended by fir John Holland, fir Thomas Percy and others. On feeing fir John Sounder approach, they eyed him well ; and fir John Holland faid,—* Fair bro-ther, Sounder, are thefe prifoners thine ?* 1 They are not prifoners, fir, but men from Entença whom the marfhal has ordered me to condud to my lord; and, fron* what I can learn, they wifh to treat with Jiim/ The duke and ducbçfs heard all this j and
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