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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.8
page 195
fir John Sounder continued, € Come forward, my jjood people : you fee your lord and lady.'
Upon this the fix men advanced, and, calling themfelves on their knees, thus fpoke,—• Our moft redoubted lord and lady, the commonalty of the town of Entença, hearing you were marching your army againfl them, have fent us hither to entreat you would delay advancing further, for eight or nine days only, in which time they will fend to the king of Caftille, in Validolid, an account of the great peril they are in ; and if, during thofe nine days, they be not reinforced fufficiently to offer you com-bat, they will put themfelves fully under your obedience. In the meantime, fhould you or your army be in want of provifion or ftores, thofe of the town will cheerfully ferve you with both for your money.'
The duke made no reply, leaving it to the du-chefs, as fhe was from that country. She looked at the duke, and faid, € Well, my lord, what do you fay?1 * Lady, what do you fay ? you are the heirefs of this country, and, as the inheritance comes through you, you muft reply.' Mt will be right then, my lord, that their offer be accepted ; for I do not believe that the king of Caftille has any defire to combat you fo foon.' * I do not know that/ an-fwered the duke : î God grant it may happen other-wife : we fhall the fooner put an end to the bufi-nefs i and I wifh it were to take place within fix days ; but, fince you are defirous their offpr be aç? ppted, 1 confent.* • '
' 'The
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