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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.8
page 196
The duchefs then^addreffed the deputies, faying, —€- You may return, for your offer is accepted ; but you muft deliver up to the marfhai twelve of your principal citizens, as pledges for the due per-formance of the treaty/ They replied they would do fo, and, rifing up, were given to the care of fir John Sounder, who CONDUCTED them back to the marfhai, and told him what had pafled, which gave him fatisfaâïon. The deputies returned to their town and related the fuccefs of their# miffion. Twelve of the principal inhabitants were fent to the marfhai, and the place was unmolefted, on the terms mentioned. - In another council they refolved to fend the fame fix men, and no others, to inform the king of Caftille of their fituation. They rode to Validolid, where the king refided, with part of his council, and, their arrival being notified tq him, he was eager to fee them, to learn the news, and talk with them ; for he was ignorant of the treaty they had entered into, and that the Englifh were before JEntença. _
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