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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.8
page 199
her ladies, and received her lady-mother and fitter moil kindly and honourably. The whole palace was rejoiced at the -arrival of thefe ladies; but I will not pretend to fpeak very particularly of what pafled, for 1 was not there : all I know was from that gallant knight, fir John Fernando Porteict, who was prefent.
The duchefs took a proper opportunity to deliver the duke's meffage to the king of Portugal, who replied with prudence and friendfhip,—* Lady and . coufin, I am prepared, fhould the king of Caftille take the field, with three thoufand lances, who are flattened on the borders of Caftille, whom I can colled in three days, and I fhall alfo bring with me full twenty thoufand men from the commonalty of the country, who are not to be defpifed, for they were of the greateft fervice to me at the battle of Aljubarota/ ' 4 Sir,' faid the duchefs, € you fay well, and I am greatly thankful to you ; and if my lord gain any further intelligence, he will inftantly let you know/ Such was the converfation that paffed between the king of Portugal and the duchefs jof Lancafter.
We will now return to Entença, and fay what fuccefs their deputies had at-Validolid. On their being introduced to the king of Caftille, they caft themfelves on their knees, and faid,—cMoft re-doubted Jord, if you will condefcend to liften to us, we have been fent hither by your town of Entença, which has been forced to enter into a treaty with the duke and duchefs of Lancafter. The terms of firhich are, that the Englifh will abftain from any
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