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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.8
page 215
The pafifport was fairly written and fealed, for thirty knights and fquires to come and return; and fir. John Holland, when he delivered it to the herald, prefented him with a handfome mantle lined with minever ^nd twelve nobles. The herald took leave and returned to Validolid, where he re-lated what had paffed, and fhewed his prefents.
News of this tournament was carried to Oporta, where the king of Portugal kept his court. 1 In the name of God,' faid the king, ' I will be prefent at it, and fo fhall my queen and the ladies.' . s Many thanks,' replied the duchefs ; 6 for 1 ihall be accom-panied by the king and queen when I return/ It was not long after this converfation, that the king of Portugal, the queen, the . duchefs, with her daughter and the ladies of the court, fet out for Entença, in grand array. The duke of Lancafter, when they were near at hand, mounted his horfe, and, attended by a numerous company, went to meet them. When the king and duke met, they embraced each other moft kindly, and entered the town together, where their lodgings were as well prepared as they could be in fuch a place, though they were not- fo magnificent as if they had been at Paris. ( '
Three days after the arrival of the king of For- * tugal, came fir Reginald de Roye, handfomely ac-companied by knights and fquires, to the amount of fix fcore horfe. .They were all properly lodged; for the duke had given his officers ftriâ: orders they-fhould be well taken care of. On the njorrow, fir John Holland and fir Reginald de Roye armed
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