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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.8
page 235
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if any perfon €M give better advice, let him do fof for fir Walter and myfelf will cheerfully liften to him.*
The council unanimoufly replied ; c We approve of what fir William has offered, and cannot but think it the bell advice for the king and kingdom of Caftille/ It was then determined to wait for the, duke of Bourbon and the flores before they made preparations for taking the field, but to gar* rifon ftrongly the frontier, and fuffer the Englifh and Portuguefe to overrun Caftille at their plea* fure ; for, when they returned from their excur-fions, they could not carry away the land with them* The conference ended, all left the chamber ; and this day the king entertained at dinner, in his pa-lace at Burgos, the barons and knights of France : it was magnificently grand, according to the cuftom in Spain, On the morrow, before noon, all the men at arms were fent off to their different garri-fons, with inftru&ions from their leaders how to aft. Sir Oliver du Guefclin, count de Longueville, was ordered, with a thoufand fpears, to a tolerably ftrong town on the borders of Galicia, called Ville-fain&e*; fir Reginald and fir Triftan de Roye to another town, ten leagues further; but on thefron-tier of Galicia, called Viile-d'Agillare-de-Champ t, with three hundred lances ; fir Peter de Belefme, with two hundred lances, to Beneventé ; the count
* Ville-fain&e. Q. Vilalpando.
f Ville-é'Agillare«de«Charap. GL Avila.
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