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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.8
page 260
of this matter : dp not aft fo cruelly againft my brother-in-law, the conftable. He cannot have de* ferved death. Through kindnefs, tell me what it is that has fo mightily angered you againft him. I fwear, that whatever may be his crime, he fhall make fuch amendé, in body and eftate, or I for him, or both of us together, as fhall furpafs any thing you may imagine, or condemn him to, except-ing death or imprifonment. Remember, for God's fake, my lord, how you were educated together in the fame hôtel with the duke of Lancafter, who is fo loyal and gallant a prince, none ever was, nor will be his equaL For God's mercy, remember, my lord, how, in former times, before he had made his peace with France, he had always ferved you loyally : he affifted you in the recovery of your duchy ; and you ever found him ready to fupport you in the field and in council. If you have not any very juft caufe indeed, that moves your paflion, he cannot be deferving death.*
• Lord de Laval,/ replied the duke, « allow-Mi to aft as I pleafe. ClifTon has fo frequently angered me, that it is now neceflary I make him feel it. Go your ways, I want nothing with you : let me ihew my cruelty; for I am refolved he fhall die.9 '1 Ah, my lord/ replied the lord de Laval, * moderate your rage, and hear reafon. If you thus put him to death, no prince will ever fo completely difgrace himfelf § and there will not be a knight, fquire, nor honeft man in all Brittany, who will not mortally hate you, and do every thing they can to drive you out of your duçhy, Neither the king of England
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